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directing portfolio

adam sandler jury duty


Presented as part of the Philadelphia Fringe, Cannonball Festival, and GamePlay Theatre Lab

You and 11 other “recently deceased” audience members arrive at the agnostically ambiguous afterlife, only to be immediately slapped with a jury summons. Yuck! Who’s on the stand? Actor and comedian Adam Sandler, of course. Over the course of the trial, lawyers both for and against Adam will present you with their “evidence”, telling a campy patchwork story of Adam’s life that blends his movies with the reality. You’ll be asked to love him. You’ll be asked to hate him. You’ll probably feel indifferent about him. But you have to pick a side, as by the end you’ll be asked to use your judgment to make an impossible decision: does Adam deserve to go to the “good place”, or the “bad place?” 

by taylor mac


Presented with support from The University of the Arts


Okay is an absurd comedy full of sex jokes, teen drama, and toilet paper. Taking place in a 2003 high school girl’s restroom during the prom, Steph has just been pity awarded prom queen, but must rush into the bathroom as she’s currently going into labor. The ensuing chaos shows the hilarity of getting too caught up in your own shit, amplified by the gall and audacity of teenage angst. For many, high school is the time when we are learning to connect, learning to love and be loved. In this endeavor for connection, adolescence often becomes hauntingly lonesome. But maybe, that's not a bad thing. We all feel alone sometimes. We all hurt a little. We all want to feel loved. And that’s okay. 




Received development and production with The University of the Arts


Follow a party of amnesiac adventurers as they uncover the mysteries of a city destroyed by Mama Nature, a drag queen plant woman with an affinity for vaudeville. Overgrown is a rhythm game FMV where the goal is to quite literally play favorites! Throughout the show, you’ll get to choose which character has the skills necessary to help the party as they fight sentient plants, navigate the difficult terrain, and order hot dogs.

Directed by Justin Jain.

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